Ah, Maurice, you lucky rascal! (and Charles seems to be enjoying every bit of it!)
Valentine day approaches, girls and boys, and we're not above lovebirds, so let's do something romantic, such as displaying our love... for film.
As last year, the For the Love of Film - Film Preservation Blogathon strives to raise awareness and funds for old movies in danger of being lost forever.
You can join by posting an entry related to film noir in your blog from february 14th to february 21st and/or giving a donation which will help rescue and restore an old film for future viewers.

For further information, I refer you to the following links:
:: More information at Ferdy on Films
:: More information at The Self-Styled Siren
:: The blogaton's own home blog
:: The blogathon's facebook page
:: The website of the Film Noir foundation which will restore this year's film.
:: If you want to contribute with some money, here's the donation link (Don't forget to include it in your own blogathon post!)
:: You can also check Greg's blog Cinema Styles, where you can find graphics you can use for the blogathon, and a terrific blogathon trailer:
Thy'n truly will try to post summat next week
Ha salido hoy en el mundo:
Gracias por el enlace, Eudora :D
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