Sorry for the lame pun, which probably will only be understood by Spanish speaking visitors anyway (and possibly just the Peninsular ones). See, gratuitous celebrity advertising existed long before the Beckhams were even born, the difference being that any member of this cast and director trench coated group actually had a talent beyond that of posing for an advert.
(I'm curious about the occasion: did they shot the picture on the set of Advise and Consent? Did they pose all together as a group or separately? Funny seeing Otto Preminger as a model there, too)
Anyway, I'm posting this wee bit just to comment that Matheww Coniam of Movietone News just gave me a friendly blogger award:

Huh... Thanks Mr. Coniam, Im so touched *sob*... All right, I'll spare you the three-hour long thankful speech in which I emote wildly and mention all my relatives -up to cousins in the seventh degree-. I have accepted the award mostly because I don't have to select/tag any particular number of fellow bloggers... (To those friendly bloggers who have given me an award in the past: believe it or not, I'm STILL making my mind as to which bloggers I should select to pass the award!).
That I don't have to pass the awardto anyone it doesn't mean that I won't: If you are in my blogroll feel free to claim the Friendly Blog Award from me ;D
Congratulations! Isn't it nice to have in print that people like your blog, huh? :)
Damn, I studied Spanish for three years and still don't understand any of that... Voy a ir a la playa para bailar todo la noche! Gracias! Dos cervesas, por favor! (God, I'm proud of myself! haha)
Lolita, it's nice to know that people like the blog... though honestly, any single sample of Laughton appreciation found in the vast blogosphere really warms me heart ;p
"Gambas con gabardina" is something which goes fine as accompaniment of one cerveza (or two, heh) at the playa dancing: deep-fried shrimps with batter... The lame pun being that "gabardina" means "batter" but also "trench coat"
Muy merecido el premio.
Pero la foto ¿es de verdad?, porque no recuerdo que salieran en la peli con gabardina...
Je, je, je, ¡qué bueno lo de gambas con gabardina!, pero más bueno es ese poster de "Advise and Consent" con todo el personal gabardinado.
Hey, hey...te me has pasado. Me va a tocar pasarme la mañana con todo lo que has escrito sobre el bienamado Laughton. Menos mal que hoy es sábado y encima mi "santo" (aunque ateo siento cierta simpatía por los santos, por aquello de los regalos)
En realidad tengo que decir sorry porque había dejado abandonado este maravilloso rincón. Tendré que tener a mano el diccionario porque mi inglés anda un poco oxidado.
Un abrazote
Eudora, si, la foto parece que es de verdad ;)
No está relacionada con ninguna escena del film, sino que está hecha a propósito para el anuncio (ahora que lo dices, recuerdo que las gabardinas y/o abrigos los solían llevar en mano, pero no puestos).
Antonio, hombre, perdonado estás, que después de darle recuerdos a Ava de mi parte tienes indulgencia plenaria... Ahora en serio, la asistencia a este blog (o su hermano el blog chufero) no es, ni mucho menos, obligatoria... Me vale con que si os pasais por aquí alguna vez, lo disfruteis, y si además le cogeis más cariño a Laughton del que le tengáis, pues miel sobre hojuelas.
Por cierto, y hablando de anuncios tengo uno de George Sanders, que va a caer uno de estos días en el otro blog.
Eudora, por cierto, recuerdo haber visto más anuncios con Charles, de una marca de cerveza y otro de café con sus compañeros de "Don Juan in Hell" (Cedric Hardwicke, Agnes Moorehead y Charles Boyer).
A ver si me hago con alguna copia un día de estos...
a great blog, i simply adore Charles Laughton.....
hop you don't mind I will put in my favorites in my own blog casaforte.blogspot.com
Buona sera, Host, and pleased that you liked the blog! I'm trying to post at least once a month, so drop by every then and now and you'll find new items of Laughtoniana.
(Incidentally, I just loved to see that your last two posts were devoted to The Big Clock and Witness for the Prosecution ;D)
Felicidades por el premio. Y, otra vez más por el blog.
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