Anyone interested in joining forces to ask for the release of a Special Edition DVD of "The Night of the Hunter" is welcome to e-mail a petition.
Please state the name with which you want to appear in the list. You may complement your name with your occupation, or with a geographical reference: alternatively, in the case of those who have a blog, it would be enough with the name of the blog (I will add a link to it if so wished).
You may now e-mail your petition if that is your wish.
E-mail update (Monday September 25th 2006)
If the link above doesn't work in your computer, cut and paste this address to e-mail your petition:
Los luchadores condenados
8 hours ago
Hey, I'll throw my name in, for sure! I hope I'm not disqualified for so-o-o loving the Fantômas cover of the Hunter theme song...
Greg, all applicants are accepted, regardless of gender,age, beliefs, taste in beers or record covers, etc... ;D
I would even accept petitions from designers who don't know what the four colour process printing is (most of them, LOL)
Which reminds me, I've been too ink-happy of late and these blog needs updating.
that would be so great. i saw the outtakes at the tribeca film festival and i was in awe-it was a privelege to watch. i'd love to have all that on a dvd!! a great film, and mitchum rules!!
It could have interviews with actors and filmmakers who have been influenced by the film. (The Coen Brothers had to have been...Also, Robert DeNiro MUST have watched this film when preparing for his role in the remake of Cape Fear.)
Josh... That's a great idea! Yes, just interviewing film people who were influenced by NotH, would make for a very interesting documentary (plus a montage of all the film nods referencing the fim: quite a lot of them!)
Chiiiildren! Count me in for some love and hate fight in a special edition DVD!
i think i'm in love and that YWMFM.
it's all so overwhelming - i'm going to read this one on the weekend. but yes, give me a freakin' special edition of "night of the hunter".
Ha, ha... each day ne learns a new acronym!
I hope the Special edition is given to us, indeed! Thanks for your support!
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